There are quite a few movie theatres in Gwangju. One in the bus stations, which features 3D movies and three that we have seen in the small downtown area. We tend to frequent Megabox. Megabox is a multilevel movie theatre. It costs 8,000 per ticket and the theatre is spotless. Not only can you buy popcorn and nachos in the lobby, but also dried squid that you can peel apart as a snack. When you buy your ticket, you pick your assigned seat and that is where you sit during the movie.
Dec 28, 2009
There are quite a few movie theatres in Gwangju. One in the bus stations, which features 3D movies and three that we have seen in the small downtown area. We tend to frequent Megabox. Megabox is a multilevel movie theatre. It costs 8,000 per ticket and the theatre is spotless. Not only can you buy popcorn and nachos in the lobby, but also dried squid that you can peel apart as a snack. When you buy your ticket, you pick your assigned seat and that is where you sit during the movie.
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