May 7, 2012

Jalgalchi Fish Market

On a rainy day two weeks ago, we took the train to Jalgalchi and went to the Fish Market there. We don't have many pictures of the inside because the fish stall workers kind of scared us with their stares of death if we didn't buy their fish.

This is the fish market on the outside. The whole first floor are fish vendors who will filet your fish or crab or any other sea dweller after you purchase them. Upstairs are tons of restaurants where you can get raw fish or stews along with Soju of course. We decided to splurge and spend 30,000 (which really is splurging here) on lunch and had a nice array of raw fish, some free stew and a ton of sides. We had a great view of the water on the other side of the building
 Outside of the Fish Market is a very long street selling similar items to inside and the food is less expensive. The women are definitely full of smiles here.

We have no idea what these are below, but when bought, they are cut open and the insides are packaged for eating.

The smell is not over powering (maybe my tolerance is high) there are fish of every size and color.

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