Jul 7, 2010

last day

As today is our last day in Korea, I find it fitting to do a "year's reflection" I don't even know how to begin to explain how this year has changed me, the things I will miss, the experiences we have shared...(most of them you have read through the blog :))

I am very excited at the unknown and where Adam and I are heading, but very emotional as to what we are leaving behind. The Korean people are a kind unknown to everyone else.Their kindness and truly pure soul is something that I have never seen anywhere else. The food and hospitality here, our friends, we will miss them all.

When I think about how this country has changed me, it may have to be something you see for yourself. Although I will always be an organized nutjob, I feel that  I am more patient and tolerant to those who are different than I. I think I am more open to other ways of life and dreams of people.

I also feel that this country has truly brought Adam and I to a whole new level of relationship...of course we are getting married, but beyond that, we are truly a team. We know each others strengths and partner together to get everything done. We really are each other's other half. I feel that being removed from American comforts, we have discovered what is important within ourselves.

I am sure Adam will write one of these blogs too, but I wanted to thank all of you for sharing this last year with us and hope you will continue to follow our blog as we begin our lives together as husband and wife and travel through 13 countries in the next 5 months.

We will keep up with our blog as often as we can, for you, but also for us so we do not forget all of the experiences, people and places we will see beginning tomorrow in Thailand!


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