Jul 22, 2010

Hanoi to HaLong

Yesterday we hopped in a cab and went to the Ho Chi Minh museum and the museum of ethnology. We were not allowed inside of the mosuleum that held Ho Chi Minh's mummy because I had a tank top on, but we went into the museum of his life.
Adam and I have to admit that we are very ignorant when it comes to this. We did not do any research before hand and only had in our heads what we thought we knew of the vietnam war. Although this museum did not focus on the war at all, only about his life, the sequence and definite honor this country instills in Uncle Ho as they call him, had us asking more questions when we left.
The museum talked about how he worked all around the world and befriended many different nations. He was jailed by the Chinese but then spent a lot of time with the Russians and Germans. Then, repeatedly, his quote about making the north and the south of vietnam united, peaceful and a place for all vietnamese was reapeated.
When we got back to the hotel we did a bit more research on both him and the war and are now officially even more confused as to what is truth and what is the opinions of each nation.

The museum of Ethnology was pretty neat. They had it set up where each part of the museum was a different tribe of people here in vietnam. It had  clothing, artifacts and real huts from each region that we could explore. Including this group of people who were very into their recreation.

Last night we went out for a great dinner and walk around the big lake.
Our hotel stay here at the Gecko has not been too pleasant. The hotel came greatly reviewed by others but honestly...not so great for us. The service is ok...when we asked for more toilet paper they said they had to inspect our room first. We were right above the lobby and heard everything...all night and as soon as the sun rose. There were a few other "not so great" experiences that will make this one hotel that we won't recommend to others.
However, today, in about 45 minutes we are heading on a tour to HaLong Bay to spend the night on a junk (an old ship) and then a second night in Cat Ba island. So, we may be out of touch for a few days...but I imagine the pictures to share later will be incredible!
Talk to you soon!

PS. detour in our plans due to a Typhoon in Hong Kong. We are heading tonight on an evening train to the NW to Sapa for 3 days of trekking through the mountains and villages. Then, we will head E to HaLong for the Orient Sail junk for our next 3 days...as long as the weather permits that is.


Ashley said...

Cat Ba is where we stayed all of last summer. While you're there, if you stop by SloPony adventures in the Noble House, tell them how you know me. They'll get a kick out of it. Also, definitely eat at the Green Mango. It's delicious and while expensive for the island, it's still a really great deal for the quality of food you receive. Mr. Hai is the owner, who I spent many afternoons and evenings with, and will always have fond memories of! Enjoy Cat Ba!

ps- still really enjoying your blog and reliving my memories with your current ones!

Adam and Nicole said...

right now we may have been rained out of halong for the day, we arent sure if the tour company is jerking us around or if the weather really cancelled the tour out there.
When we end up there, We will definitely look for it!

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