Feb 6, 2010

Dr. Skin Mandatory Facial +Olive = Attack of the killer 4 lb. dog

My treatment with Dr. Skin is done and now I am going for mandatory 2 hour facials every 2 weeks...shucks. Anyway, there must be something in all of the goodies they put on my face because last night, I was loved like never before.I was lying on the couch reading a book like I do most every night to wind down for bed and all of a sudden Olive came to give me a kiss, which isn't unusual. But, when she began at my chin and worked her way up my nose and into my eye sockets, I knew something was wrong. I know there is something gross, yet wonderful about your dog showing you that kind of affection. The video shows it all, and a little too much of my leg, sorry. But, I would pull her off of me and like a bullet she would be right back. It was hysterical, I can't remember laughing like that, you can kind of hear it in the video. I really have no idea what came over her. Enjoy and don't be too grossed out.

1 comment:

Marla said...

I hate to ask what it is that is put in a facial over there!

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