Apr 1, 2010

It's Here

I know it is bad luck to show anyone before the wedding..so I can't. (you can barely see the top)

But, after a much stressed pruchase and stupid company...misguided service and a bunch of hogwash...today a package the size of a sweater in a plastic bag showed up at work.

Believe it or not, my dress was squeezed in it. All the girls at work took it from me and opened it..I was too nervous. We all went into the one closet here at school and put it on. I stood on a chair so the muck from the floor wouldn't get on it.

There were no mirrors so I have no idea just how it truly looked beyong pictures. It was a bit big, but nothing we can't get fixed...also affixed to the front was a turquiose blue stone...which we cut off...but beyond that...absolultely perfect.

You can see it in December :)


Jessica Schwartz said...

ahhh Nicole this is so exciting!! I'm sure its gorgeous and i can't wait to see you in it!

Marie said...


My name is Marie and I found your website while googling Wedding Street in Seoul. My fiance and I live in Hwajung and I'm looking for a wedding dress. I've been reading about how Wedding Street is not all it's cracked up to be and I saw you had posted on another website how you ordered yours from DHGate...I found them also and was worried about their service before paying for a dress I can't even see without buying. Do you have any advice for me?

Thank you so much in advance,


Marie said...


Thank you so much for letting me know about your dress! I took it into consideration but ultimately my Korean friends helped me meet up with a wedding company here that will make my dress. I hope your wedding is wonderful and that your dress is perfect! :)


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