Nov 16, 2011

Road Trip, Day 7

Tombstone Arizona...Very Very cool place.
 After a great breakfast and a gallon of coffee with Cowboys we ventured off to roan Tombstone in the mist before the town opened for business.
 Adam and I had a shoot out, have no idea who won.
 The town was about a total of 7-10 blocks by 3 blocks and it had a ton of sites to see. Old billiard halls, restaurants, liquor stores, a mine, a cemetery, a fire house, museums and the largest rose bush in the world (said Ripley's)
 Kind of a funny name for an intersection.

 After gunslinging we headed back to pack up the tent when what drives by, but a stagecoach. By about 9 am the town was coming to life with cowboy characters, sherifs and madam's heading off to work. Im glad we saw the town before the hight of tourism for the day began. But, I bet that time of day would have been fun too.

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