Mar 20, 2012


With special cameo appearance from the sun last Thursday, Nicole and I took the rare opportunity and break in the dreary weather pattern to check out the city of Kamakura, Japan. Similar in traditional styling and feel to Kyoto but quit a bit smaller, Kamakura has become a pretty big tourist spot for Tokyo locals and travelers to the region. The main draw being the many Temples and the famous Diabutsu statue which is a surviving piece from the great tsunami of the 15h century. Standing in front of the statues calming poise gave a sense that this statue could endure the worst and apparently did which now serves as a pillar of strength to the Japanese and tourist who visit the great Amida Buddah.

We strolled the town, ate some local cuisine, visited the temples and enjoyed the serenity and comforting surroundings of the quaint old world town of Kamakura.


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