Mar 23, 2012

Edo-Tokyo Museum

Our friend Akemi took us to the Edo-Tokyo Museum the other day. It was basically the history of Edo, or old Tokyo. There were a ton of models to see of old houses and cities.
Here Adam is pulling me on a tuktuk

I highly recommend if you go, renting the recording to listen to if you don't read Japanese. There seemed to be a ton of information on each art piece or model, but I couldn't read any of it.

Very little was in English (which I thought was a bit odd due to the fact that it was a history museum and English is an international language) But, you can rent a headset for 1,000 yen or $10 and then get your money back when you return the headset. I promise this will give you  better view of the museum.
This was my favorite display at the museum. It shows how they made artwork using stamps. The process was very long. Each detail on the artwork was made using a different stamp and ink. The progression of the piece was quite beautiful.

Entrance Fee was 600 yen.

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