Feb 9, 2012

big money, little karts.....and tears.

right....so i'm no that picky about most of life's daily challenges and i'll suck it up when faced with most adversity because as they say..."hey, i'm a guy". Well....maybe they say that. Anyways, my point.  Grocery shopping has become somewhat of a pastime to me and something I look forward too. I mean, think about it....its like all the efforts of those who have gone before us have allowed us to partake in a very convenient and slightly less dangerous form of hunting and gathering (minus the hunting) every time we wheel that shopping cart through those heavenly automatic doors.

Moving to Japan will inevitably have its share of experiences...some good, some not...and some that worry me. What worries me you ask? Well, how about half sized cans of tuna for example. Not scary enough.....milk...only sold in quarts. More? Eggs....10 for $5. I whimpered like a Greys Anatomy addict at the site of it all as we cruised through the local mart on our first full day in Yokohama and wondered....is this how i'm going to die?

I know...sounds overly dramatic...and maybe I should write for Grey's... but the thought of shocking the world with a McDreamy/McSteamy love scene that ends tragically as they role over live defibrillators  is something of a distant fantasy....but I digress.

We spent about $100 on our first grocery trip and all and all were quite successful with what we found...allbeit food sized for Americans circa 1910 before we realized that being fat was so easily attainable.

The good news.....we found out later that we had just handed over a wad of cash one of the priciest  grocers in town and were given a slew of way cheaper options for our next go around by some friendly neighbors. Thank god.....

Thanks for reading......send me big peanut butters....please.

1 comment:

MyCab said...

500 yen for ten eggs? Where did you shop?

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