Feb 15, 2010

Valentine Hermits on Drugs.....

...if there is one thing I really can't stand, other than runny scrambled eggs, its being sick. I feel very defeated when i become sick and mostly because I am disappointed that some micro-sicky germ that I can't even see has crippled Nicole and I to the point of uselessness during a three day weekend. But, it happens, and so we deal, watch movies, moan, and take lots of drugs.

We've done pretty well with our health as this was really the first weekend we were both feeling yucky since we got here 8 months ago...

Our weekend started with our trek to the doctor which was interesting. The doctors don't seem quite as thorough here which is somewhat concerning but they are always super nice which is obviously more important than their knowledge of medicine ;) After a quick look at Nicole and I, our doc decided that Nicole needed some intreveinous goodness, while i would only need some pills to rid us of this flu-like bug. By some pills I mean a massive roll of pre-packaged assorted pills.....strangely, this picture was before we ingested anything.

2 hours later we headed home to relax and watch some of the winter olympics opening ceremonies which we both agreed were imaginative and unique as far as opening ceremonies go.

Being sick provides you the unique opportunity to not feel so bad about playing video gave so i endulged in some Wii time while Nicole stayed busy reading and searching for wedding stuff. We're always on the go so its actually not so bad having a reason not to be for once and in fact, even though we felt like doody, we enjoyed the weekend as much as any other. Plus, extra sleep is never a bad call.....

Watched a few movies...V for Vendetta, The Gamer, really weird and Benjamin Button.

I guess the one part of the weekend that I felt bad about was that we kinda missed out on Valentines Day but i guess you don't really miss out when you spend it with loved ones right? My heart-shaped chocolate chip pancake breakfast for Nicole was the best i could do, but she loved it just as much as flowers....but not Chocolate, she would have appreciated that more.

So yes, its a new lunar new year and we rang it in as hermits, but we rather enjoyed it and proved to ourselves once again that we can have fun anywhere, anytime, and even sick as dogs as long as we do it together ;)

Hope you all had a fantastic Valentines Day and got to share some time with those who you love most.

thanks for readin,

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