Dec 7, 2009

ramblings of an old dude.....

I dont normally like writing about myself so directly but as I am officially in my thirties now, I thought it might be okay. I mean, I have seniority no?

s a few post birthday thoughts I wanted to share with our adoring fans ;)

Great, challenging, thrilling, frustrating, inspiring.....holy crap.

Its been 3 decades since I was born and theres quite a few words or phrases that have described my journey to this point. The evolutions you go through as an individual dont seem as apparent until you reach a point of the climb where you can really get your footing and look down at where youve come from. Turning 30 sorta felt that way for me. When I look back I find it hard not be amazed at the way seemingly crappy events in our lives make way for some of the most magnificent and how great some events really were even if we didnt know it at the time. Maybe thats just lifes way of keeping us alert. Maybe its also why I find it hard to see anything to be unhappy about these days. Cheesy yes, but It really is the ride that we need to appreciate and just like any other, it sucks sometimes but even the ugly parts are beautiful somehow if we take a closer look.

A super big thanks to all who helped celebrate my birthday with me here in Korea and around the world with your online wishes. It was great!

1 comment:

Judi said...

What a great facial! xxoo

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